Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 17

Day 17:

Today is my last day and I went to Alexs birthday and we played indoor soccer and criket and ate pizza and after the party I said thanks and happy birthday and he said thankyou. When I got home I ran over to my friend and I had to talk to him and tell him to stop being supid becauce he was swering to his my and after he said thank.

That all for ever!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 16

Day 16:

Today at soccer I set up lots of goals (and scored 1) and saved 2 goal and my coach said thanks to me after the match. At my friends how I feed his cat andhe said thanks.

Thats all today.

Day 15

Day 15:

Today at school in the the movie I gave Reuben my chair and he said thanks and at tennis I gave my prize to my friend and he said thankyou.

Thats all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 14:

Today I passed the ball in soccer lots and Alex I said thanks. When I got home I unpacked and pack the dish washer and my sister said thankyou.

Day 13

Day 13:

Today at school I let Jay sit in my chair and he said thanks and at tennis I inprest my coach and he is never inprest and he said thankyou for doing what you were told to do.

Thats all today.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 12

Day 12:

Today at school I gave my friend Andrew a cookie because he forgot his lunch and he said thanks heaps of time and when I got home I feed Tom because he was meowing and looked hungrey and after he stoped meowing.

Thats all today.

Day 11

Day 11:

I went to tennis and I gave my partner lot of hit and I think he felt good because we won that game but he never said thanks witch was a bit sink.

Thats all.